
October 13, 2015

Things in boarding are really picking up in pace at the moment. This week, the prefects have been asking for the different year groups’ feedback on many aspects of boarding so far this year. The head prefects have then fed back the summary of this and we are now working to implement as many of the requested changes as possible. It was great to see how many of the requests were mature, reasonable and justified. I look forward to feeding back to the boarders this week the changes we will be making to our policies, procedures, items around the house – and an unexpected bonus that I have been working on to reward our excellent prefect team for all of their hard work. This week saw the second week of the ‘student request’ Sunday dinner. We now have on the rota, for the next few weeks, Mexican tacos, Japanese curry, steamed chicken and rice and Bulgogi (Korean BBQ beef). Sadly, due to unavailability, we had to cancel the airsoft trip last Friday, but we have moved this to Thursday this week as a treat for the boarders for working so hard this term. The Sport and Spa sign up turned out not to be popular, so we will look to find another activity on a Wednesday evening that the boarders would enjoy. I am currently negotiating with a professional Golf coach to offer driving range instruction early Wednesday evenings for the boarders.