This week we have seen another great selection of activities on offer in boarding: in addition to the regular offerings, we have offered baking, paper craft, Muay Thai, Squash, origami, fitness and circuit training and indoor games, and, on Thursday, all of the boarders attended the excellent Polio Points concert. On Friday we took one busload of students to Fashion Island for a chance to do some shopping. On Saturday, the trip to Safariworld was great fun for all those that attended, despite the rain! I am pleased to announce that, based on feedback from parents, students and staff, I have been working closely with Epicure, our catering company, to improve the selection of food on offer in the evenings and at weekends. We now have a greater selection of signature dishes, and boarders can now vote on an extra special dish that will be served on Sunday evening, with this week seeing the return of the very popular sushi dishes! This week we have also had a couple of birthdays in the house. If parents request,we can always arrange a special event or cake: just speak to any of the boarding staff if you would like any help or would like us to pass on a special gift. Next Friday evening, we will be going on a trip to Airsoft, and will also be offering a trip to Asiatique on Saturday. I hope that, after the open day, lots of the boarders will be signing up to the regular Sport and Spa session on Wednesday night after school. Over the week, we will also be asking the students for feedback on boarding so far this term to see where we can further improve and what they like the best from boarding. This year and beyond, we are aiming to take in much more regular feedback from parents and students about boarding to see how we can improve. Outside of these times, however, please do feed back to us if you have any comments about boarding at Bromsgrove. The Line @bistbo group is growing steadily in numbers, with 80 members on the group receiving regular updates on what is going on in boarding on a daily basis. Please do join the group if you haven’t done so already.